[and bad hair days]


spring in ohio


dotting the T's and crossing the I's

I am so angry at myself. I let the person I promised myself I would never let back in in. I feel so special when I'm with him. So stupid when I realize nothing has changed. I tell my friends he has a good heart. They don't believe me. How could someone with a good heart KNOWINGLY hurt another over and over. I figured it all out on my way to meet up with my baby sis today in YCITY. It doesn't matter how good someone's heart or intentions are. If they don't consult that wonderful heart of theirs... forget all about the situations past... they are simply human. When it all boils down... none of us are perfect. I've just got to stop answering my phone... listen to those who really care about me... and maybe move out of the city for good.


Life is too short to not have fun being rediculous!!!!

PHOTOBOOTH PROJECT 2007 - OSU Art and Photo Majors


missing home

you will find me when i want to be alone in a place far from this city that i am beginning to dread. it is more sacred than the bus or breeze point. it is a place i've only taken 2 people... which @ this point in my life i regret... but they needed to go there to understand even slightly why my heart will never be grounded. now that the snow has melted it is safe once again to go to this place. i have cried many times there. always alone... but not really. i believe it is where my guardian angel resides... and comforts me best. in two weeks i will go. i don't even have to wonder if a simple walk up an overgrown hill to this place will clear my head... i know it will.

faith is such an amazing thing. what we believe in... what we cannot see but just know... it is beautiful. i know what i want... i know what i feel... and i know God will keep my heart from breaking too terribly if what i want is not real. He will not allow me to go through more than i can handle. i am forever grateful for this faith.

[below are 4 of the stained glass windows @ Keene... they sent me a care package today... it made me smile and miss home]


a story from Allie

Below is a story of Allie's niece... c/o her sister.

So, funny story for you...Belle has been sleeping in her tent for the past couple of nights, and last night Nick went to check on her, all of a sudden I hear, "Abbie you better come up here" So I walk into Belle's room and it smells really good, like flowers and fruit or whatever. Well then I look over at her bed and there is this huge wet tan stain on her sheets, her wall, her babies, and her nightstand. I look a little closer and then I see ALL of my makeup scattered around the room. So I go into the tent and say "Belle, what did you do?" So my little makeup artist pulls back the covers and she is covered in makeup--all over her cheeks and forehead--really pretty! So I am trying not to laugh, because I am mad, but it was hilarious as you can imagine. Then I find an empty bottle of toner and ask her what she did with it. She tells me "I poured it all over my pants because it feels really good!" So, I am cleaning things up and I spot a maxi pad that she found and opened up, an, and before I can grab it she does and hurries under the covers with it to snuggle, because "it's really soft." What can I do? She is a maniac!!!
