[and bad hair days]


i scream - you scream

today was national ice cream day?
or so said the news while i ate my Chinese food @ the China buffet in my home town.
my roomie and i spent all morning/afternoon scooping ice cream at the local grocery store to raise money for the run we will be doing all of August. the ice cream was too hard/cold/old to be easy to dip... and the grocery store isn't as busy since the Walmart became a SUPER Walmart... so within 6 hours we sold less than a total of 50 cones. a funny story came from one of the women who stopped to talk to us. i guess i'm viewed as too big for my small town. during the run my roomie will be running 700 miles and biking 400 within a 35 day time frame. whenever she is running i will be biking beside her. we will be both camping out when we don't have someone we know within the vicinity. the description the woman gave of how she imagined me biking during the trip almost had me in tears i was laughing so much. i would have an umbrella above my head to shade me from the sun, a tube running to my special mixed drink so i don't get parched, and Chenille sunglasses to protect my delicate eyes. that description sounds pretty true to what people would view me as. oh well... 88 counties later i'll be the one laughing when i'm viewed as more than just that girl in stilettos and her nose in a book.


At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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