[and bad hair days]


don't say "just"

i've missed home so much. i haven't been back in a while... @ least not back for more than 24 hours @ a time. i drove home the way i used to when i was 18 and stupid. everything's changing since they're putting in the highway. i hate the idea of less country to enjoy. no matter how much i hate getting behind slow traffic because the road is only 2 lanes... the fact that it's only 2 lanes makes me happy. you drive with your shoes off and crank the country tunes... changing stations about 3 times because of distance.
we used to drive to Columbus once a week for me to take ice skating lessons. on those many drives i found a house i said i would buy when i grew up. it was a gorgeous old farm house with big windows and a green roof. i passed it coming home today... and it's just a shell of a house. it's getting torn down for the highway. guess i'll just have to find another green roofed house to live in.


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