[and bad hair days]


flip flop [a love letter]

it isn't difficult to make a boy fall in love with you. every girl knows how to play the game... & it can be fun sometimes. you bat your eye lashes... smile... get that glimmer when he looks at you [that makes him think you're falling for him]... tell him [what he thinks are] your deepest secrets. in all of this the guy thinks he has you wrapped around his little finger... when really you could leave @ any moment... giving you all the power he thinks he has.

that being said... it isn't fun being on the receiving end of this "game" we all seem to play in hopes of guarding our hearts any sort of real feeling. i know real love exists. i see it in my aunt & uncle... in my sister & brother-in-law... so i know there is hope... but being the bitter woman i am @ this point in my life i refuse to believe it.

but what happens when you cross that line in the game... where you can't "just leave"? when you actually start falling for that guy? & what if you aren't ready and the situation is complicated. i guess no one ever is ready for life when it hits you... & everything in its entirety is complicated.

i still don't like the idea of not being in control. messing with peoples hearts shouldn't be a game. loosing hurts too much.


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