[and bad hair days]



if you knew one minute before you were going to die... that you would die... and could only give one word of advice to those you loved... what would it be?

going beyond all the obvious things that i tell them all the time - learn very early on the difference between WANT and NEED... and as soon as you NEED something... leave it behind.

Watch the Video


At 3:41 PM, Blogger CR said...

We watched this in class. I was shocked to see the devestation. It is amazing that the disaster relief was that slow. The government should have already begun preparing for the upcoming hurricane season. Were you the one that captured the video?

At 2:48 PM, Blogger janell nicole said...

that spring break was very rough for me. i can't even begin to describe to you all the emotions we felt as we were down there. the most amazing thing though... is how much hope the people of the city have... they're perspective on the whole situation is incredible and a bit unbelieveable. i wasn't in the video for this post, the people you see are the people who i went on the trip with.


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