[and bad hair days]


procrastination [is my middle name]

so it's almost 6:30. i don't feel so great... & i don't want to write this 5 page paper that is due in 6 hours. i called off work [oops]. but i've learned from past quarters that school work should come first. & i am a hard worker... so the company will just have to understand. if not... i'll be starting my summer job [that i'm super excited about] in mid June. :)

so back to my paper... it's for a chemistry class. i always loved my science classes... might have even gone into some sort of science major... that is until my sophomore year of high school. i had mr. [insert name of teacher you hated]. he was a complete know it all jerk. i didn't appreciate him much. when i was 16 and got into a car accident where the car was totaled [it rolled & the driver's side, where i was sitting, was all smashed in] he decided to take it into his own hands and "teach me a lesson" my first day back to his class. right after the bell rings, when he should be starting the lecture... he gets the class's attention and then addresses me. "so ms. [insert my last name] i hear you learned a physics lesson the other night." mind you, that at this point i've gone through many x-rays, can't eat, can't sleep, my nerves are shot, and my dad won't look @ or speak to me. i just looked @ him in disbelief thinking there's no way in hell you're going to do this to me right now. when he knew he was getting to me he continued, "you learned about friction with gravel and car tires." @ this point i should have just walked out of his class... but i didn't... i responded "no... i learned about fusion... of glass... into my skull... thanks so much." he wouldn't let me have any satisfaction and continued, "no, no you learned about friction," turned, and started writing problems on the board. since then i've hated chemistry [slash all science]. it's a shame too... i could have cured cancer.

seeing as i've just killed about a half hour of precious paper writing time... i do believe procrastination is my middle name... and sadly... i must get back to my chem paper... fun times.


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