[and bad hair days]


chicken little

so it is very possible that i had a concussion on monday. basically i went into work... & the sky fell... because old navy is evil. not really. one of the girls i work with accidently dropped a bar that was about 5' long and 1.5" in diameter from about 10 feet above me onto my head. i got to leave early... but couldn't drive home. i refused to go to the dr. i've had enough head x-rays in my life for 3 people and i got sick the last time i had to have one. so after angela drove me home i had to stay awake... because apparently if you sleep & you have a concussion you might go into a coma. granted... that way i could have an excuse to miss finals & get all caught up on my rest... but still a bad idea i suppose.

my poor poor mother. living an hour & a half away... having to talk to me on the phone for several hours to keep me from falling asleep... and worrying all the while. so that day... me & the large lump that had formed on my head... were a total waste of space.

the end


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