[and bad hair days]


[ star light... star bright ]

when i was little... i would wish on the first star i saw in the sky at night... the last star i saw in the morning. i would never be able to wish in that moment though... was always afraid if i wished for one thing... the next second i'd realize i should have wished for something else. so... to save myself the anxiety and disappointment i would "wish for 2 wishes... & wish to save one wish." as of now... i probably have hundreds of wishes saved up in some wish savings account in the cosmos. what good did those wishes do for me if i never cashed them out? by the time i figured out what i "really wanted" i was too old to believe that wishing upon a star really worked. now i wish for the next big exciting event to be now... wish for the past... wish my life away. it does no good. when i stopped believing wishes came true... i lost the pin # to my account @ that bank in the cosmos.

silly and sad all @ the same time.


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