[and bad hair days]


caught off guard

so i found out today the man i was supposed to marry... the man i was engaged to... who i broke off my engagement with... got married about a month back.

that's wonderful.

i'm sure he's happy and i'm sure she was beautiful in her white dress walking down the aisle to become his wife. i just don't know quite what to think. i'm not sad, or angry, or happy... i just keep thinking that could have been me. i don't know how to take that.

guess it's finally time for me to move on... forget the bad things... remember the good things... & find something that makes me happy.

tonight i wasn't going to drink... but now i will... simply toasting what could have been... what wasn't... & the happiness to follow because it didn't... for all.

my ex + me... over 2 years ago


At 10:04 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

This happened to me a few years ago. My best friend took me out to dinner and told me that my ex-fiance had gotten married less than two years after our engagement had fallen apart. For me it was a relief. It was finally over. I stopped worrying about what would happen if he called or we ran into each other. In the end, his marriage made me feel better..

At 4:32 PM, Blogger janell nicole said...

i think this whole situation is forcing me to look @ how i've been living my life the past year & a half. i haven't been looking for a forever with anyone... & so every relationship i've had has fallen apart. isn't i funny how life tends to smack us in the face when we least expect it?


At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you janelle. just know that everything happens for a reason perhaps unbeknownst(sp?) to us at the time or maybe for forever. but what we have to remember is to appreciate the time we have and live it to the fullest. youll find "mr perfect for you". dont forget to shake his hand and invite him into your life when you do!


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